Workplace Wellbeing Implementation
How to implement a workplace wellbeing programme
To make wellbeing a meaningful addition to your company requires thought, planning and a careful consideration of what you are seeking to achieve.
What is it and why is it important?
It’s important to start by defining what workplace wellbeing is. It isn’t just about physical or mental health, but rather a holistic approach combining social, emotional, physical and financial wellbeing. It can build healthier habits that empower employees to be their happiest, healthiest and most productive selves, creating a highly engaged team that is committed to achieving organisational success. Research has shown that employers who value employee wellbeing benefit from:
Greater ability to attract
and retain top talent.
Increased employee
motivation and morale.
Reduced absenteeism
and employee burn out.
Improved company culture
and social connections.
Decreased rates of
illness and injury.
To make wellbeing a meaningful addition to your company requires thought, planning and a careful consideration of what you are seeking to achieve.
Implementing a wellbeing programme
Step 1: Set goals
Step 2: Talk to employees
Step 3: Create an action plan
Step 4: Communicate
Step 5: Assess and measure
If your business would like some advice and support in setting up an employee wellbeing programme, please get in touch.