Bespoke Workplace Wellbeing Solutions

Driving positive outcomes for organisations whilst transforming people’s lives for the better.

Menopause awareness training

Awareness sessions through to menopause champion training, providing organisations with the tools, terms and signposting for discussions around menopause in the workplace.

Content includes;

  • Understanding menopause, signs, symptoms and change
  • Having a conversation
  • Reasonable workplace adjustments
  • Resources and signposting
Menopause Champion Training
Sleep Awareness

Sleep master course (the basics for sleep and employee productivity)

A half day course designed to improve sleep awareness and management. This session includes the science of sleep and presents proven effective techniques for shift workers and poor sleepers to develop a better sleep cycle.

Business change wellbeing support

Business constantly changes, adapting to new environments, demands and services and although this can sometimes be exciting, for the people within it can create a real sense of insecurity and fear.

Effective change management is essential to drive the right communication around change, offer support for those affected and provide guidance for Managers to support both teams and self through change.

Change Management Wellbeing
Mental Health Self Development

Mental health for the self development programmes

Self First is a programme designed to support self wellbeing focus. It provides attendees with the tools and techniques to improve own mental health and wellbeing and recognise when self care needs to increase.

This programme has commonly being implemented within newly formed teams or following a period of business change.

Remote working improvement schemes

Trust, communication and versatility or some of the key elements that are needed more within a remote working enviroment. This 4 stage workshop equips Managers and teams with the mindset and skills to work effectively from home, independently and within a remote team.

Remote Working Improvement
Positive psychology in the workplace

Positive psychology in the workplace

A professional development workshop for managers to help realise own and team talents. The sessions focuses on reward, recognition and development in order to create a positive and innovative workplace environment.

Learn more about
our workplace services

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid

Wellbeing Training

Wellbeing Solutions

Workplace Wellbeing

Bespoke Workplace Wellbeing Solutions

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